The Beachner Grain Elevator is one of North Wichita’s largest structures, nestled in the core of the city’s historic Black and Latinx neighborhoods. Visible from many high traffic vantage points (including interstate highway I-135 and highway 96), the mural is a powerful portrayal of the generations of migrant workers, meat packers, feedlot laborers, indigenous peoples, and immigrant families who have held this community through times of economic prosperity and decline.
EL SUENO ORIGINAL – THE ORIGINAL DREAM, the latest work by world-renowned Colombian street artist GLeo, demonstrates the audacity of solidarity among people of color (and beyond) to reimagine, in practice, how to live and work with one another, expanding the circle of human connection.
What once was a dividing line between neighborhoods, is now a catalyst for community pride and deepened connections.
The street artist GLeo, born and raised in Cali – Colombia, is one of the most thrilling figures of the new Latin American urban art scene. Contemplating one of her huge painted walls is an experience comparable to reading a fantastic book. You will get to meet with bright and colorful creatures, wearing freaky masks that will bring you back in the time of Colombia’s original cultures. Right after this, you will have a chance to plunge into every one of the magic details GLeo paints, only with rollers and brushes, that make her imaginary worlds so complete and enchanting. And when the book closes, the return to earth can be a little bit dreary.